Top Ten Tuesday: Changes In My Reading Life

Formerly hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week’s topic is . . . Changes In My Reading Life

  1. I used to read mainly classics, fantasy, and sci-fi books. I still love these genres, but in the last several years, I have found a comfortable and happy escape in swoony contemporaries.
  2. I don’t write, highlight, and tag in my books as much as I used to.
  3. This year I have read more e-books than physical books.
  4. I started DNFing books. I give a book about 80-100 pages, and if I find no connection with it, I drop it.
  5. Lately, I have been preferring standalones over series.
  6. I “try” to read throughout the week, but I get most of my reading in during the weekend.
  7. I have started reading 2-3 books at a time. I used to be a “one book at a time” type of person.
  8. I have cut down on monthly book subscription boxes. 
  9. I used to carry a physical book with at all times, but since I read a lot of e-books, I don’t do this a lot anymore.
  10. This year, I started using my library app/Overdrive more often.

What changes have you seen in your reading life?


Top Ten Tuesday: Odd Items I Have Used as a Bookmark

Formerly hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week’s topic is Favorite Bookmarks, but I wanted to change it up a little and list some “odd” items I have used as a bookmark.

Ten Items I have Used as a Bookmark 

  1. Mail
  2. A leaf
  3. A receipt
  4. Another book
  5. A pen or pencil
  6. My cell phone
  7. A CD
  8. A dollar bill
  9. A plastic snack cake wrapper
  10. One of Josephine’s dog treats

Other than a typical bookmark, what sort of items have you used as a bookmark?


Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Things to Eat/Drink While Reading

Formerly hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week’s topic is…Favorite Things to Eat/Drink While Reading

  1. Earl grey tea/London Fog
  2. Iced green tea lattes
  3. Coffee
  4. Diet Coke
  5. Water with lemon
  6. Pretzels
  7. Popcorn (lightly salted and no butter)
  8. Bagel chips
  9. Cheese and crackers
  10. Raw vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, and celery.

What are some of your favorite things to eat and/or drink while reading?


Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Tropes

Formerly hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week’s topic is…Favorite Tropes

  1. Enemies-to-lovers and hate-to-love romances
  2. Brooding male leads
  3. Characters that are bookworms
  4. Second chance romances
  5. Slow burn romances
  6. Secret societies/secret magical worlds
  7. Kickass female leads
  8. “Breakfast Club”-like friendships
  9. Myths and prophecies coming true
  10. Characters with supernatural abilities/powers

What are some of your favorite tropes?